Lei Yang

Department of Information Sciences and Technology
George Mason University

Office 413, Research Hall Building
4400 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030
Research Interests:
System-Level Optimization for Applied Machine Learning
Automated Machine Learning
Embedded System
High-performance Computing
2022/08    CFP: Dr. Yang will be the General Chair of SIGDA Student Research Forum at ASP-DAC 2023 (SRF ASP-DAC 2023).
2022/08    Dr. Yang joined IST department at George Mason Univeristy as an Assistant Professor.
2022/07    We win the Best Demonstration (Second Place) at the 32st ACM SIGDA University Demonstration.
2021/12    Proposal on Intelligent Quantum Sensing is funded by NSEC at Los Alamos.
2021/12    The first NAS-based HW/SW Co-Design Framework won the Best Paper Award of IEEE TCAD 2021!
2021/12    We win the Best Demonstration (First Place) at the 31st ACM SIGDA University Demonstration .
2021/11    Congrats. to Daniel for the work accepted by SIGDA's Student Research Forum at ASP-DAC 2022!
2021/08    Dr. Yang will serve as a TPC member in DAC 2022.
2021/07    CFP: Dr. Yang will organize E2ML workshop at ICSG'21. Please consider to submit your ML or Quantum work to the workshop!
2021/07    Several papers will be published at IEEE/ACM ICCAD 2021, Congrats. to Daniel, Junhuan, and collaborators!
2021/06    Received an Alveo U280 Data Center Accelerator ($6,495) from the Xilinx University Program. Thanks to Xilinx!
2021/06    Dr. Yang is invited to serve as Guest Editor in IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications.
2021/05    Dr. Yang will serve as the Registration Chair in ICCD 2021.
2021/05    Dr. Yang will serve as a TPC member in ICCAD 2021.
2021/05    Dr. Yang will organize CEDA/ACM SIGDA 2021 Early Career Workshop DAC'21.
2021/04    Dr. Yang will serve as a TPC member in IEEE SOCC 2021.
2021/03    Our two papers are accepted by GLSVLSI 2021.
2020/10    Dr. Yang will serve as a TPC member in DAC 2021.
2020/10    Dr. Yang will serve as a TPC member in SRC at ASP-DAC 2021.
2020/10    Dr. Yang will serve as a TPC member in ASP-DAC 2021.
2020/10    Dr. Yang will serve as a TPC member in SAC 2021.
2020/08    Dr. Yang joined ECE department at the University of New Mexico as an Assistant Professor.
2020/02    Our paper with the collaboration of Facebook and Georgia Tech is accepted by DAC 2020.
2020/01    Dr. Yang will serve as the TPC member in ISLVLSI'20
2020/01    Dr. Yang will serve as the TPC member in GLSVLSI'20
2019/07    Lei has obtained Ph.D. degree and will join the University of Notre Dame as a post-doctoral scholar.
2018/01    More....